MFT59/EFT Strike Day 1

(We intended to show up at the picket line, signs in hand, for those who keep our school alive. It turns out, they showed up for us, without pay. I'm not surprised in the least, but it feels like a very big deal and I want to ensure that I document it. )

Malcolm was reluctant to be photographed this morning. However we were •so proud• to stand and rally with his incredible, kind, generous and loving 4th grade teacher. (He did however take this photo of me with her, and let us hold his sign! She loved it!)
Malcolm’s third grade teacher led us in some incredible call and response; we learned she will be getting a bullhorn for later rallies!! She shared how proud she is of Malcolm for coming out today. His 3rd grade teacher was also accompanied by her young adult daughter who DID get this photo of Malcolm with his sign. ♥️
Malcolm’s school nurse, who’s been with him since age 4 when he started High 5(MPS Pre-K) rallied with us; I learned she is also on the union’s bargaining team, which is at a complete standoff with MPS. “There is no bargaining.” We can not know how long this will go on.
Malcolm’s Assistant Educator was also representing ESP and asked how he came up with Spongebob for his sign!
Malcolm’s school speech therapist gave us a wonderful greeting and it was so good to give her a big hug after all we have been through together, working out Malcolm’s IEP this year.
There were several other kids and families out supporting at our little corner. We are feeling so blessed and grateful to be part of this community, standing together. Tomorrow, Howe will come together with Hiawatha.♥️
I’m doing better with words than photos today. Thank you for reading and for any and all support you can offer. The strike fund supports union members who can not afford to lose pay:


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