Feelings and Sensing are Facts.

This is a hill I will choose to die on, over and over again. A deeply personal reflection as we begin week three of •necessary• school shutdown due to labor strike…

Those who are suffering have a keen recognition of what is not being said due to having been forced to endure without the truth being exposed and internalizing more than words can often express. 

Witness and listen. To to help uncover the truth for yourself, it can be done by paying some attention those who experience differently than you.

As we are called over and over again to stick to the facts and numbers, as we continue in solidarity with this massive tide of needed change; I speak from a wholehearted place after experiencing a lifetime of not feeling (and not being) seen, heard, believed.

Facts are critical. Yes, and, so are the feelings and •sensing• of those who are suffering. 

Period. Facts.

Thanks for reading.

#mft4kids #safeandstableschools #mps #minneapolispublicschools


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