
This is Kyriarcy: a meditation on America, July 4th, 2022

Discovery is not recovery; putting the pieces back together is the recovery. Hmm. I'm not so sure anymore. It helps my process (the one where I try making sense of things) to consider systems as they relate on a spectrum. To recognize how a single person or home/family system is a microcosm of much larger societal structures, even playing out a massive scale, of our world as a whole. Privilege and Oppression, how they intersect, exist in all on a spectrum. I appreciate how Adrienne Maree Brown relates to this in  fractals :  " in emergence, the whole is a mirror of the parts.  fractal  – the health of the cell is the health of the species and the planet." This makes sense to me how "recovery" isn't actually a thing. Discovery is not only NOT recovery, but I no longer believe recovery actually exists. Not in a person, not in a community, not in a society nor the world over.  Recovery feels like there is something to return to, a "good ol' days" ...

Our Crucible

From  Merriam-Webster: crucible   noun To save this word, you'll need to log in. Log In  cru·​ci·​ble   |    ˈkrü-sə-bəl     Definition of  crucible 1 :  a vessel of a very refractory (see  REFRACTORY   entry  1  sense 3 ) material (such as porcelain) used for melting and  calcining  a substance that requires a high degree of heat 2 :  a severe test He's ready to face the  crucible  of the Olympics. 3 :  a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development … conditioned by having grown up within the  crucible  of Chinatown … — Tom Wolfe His character was formed in the  crucible  of war. _ _ _ _ _ _  From -  Crucible moments are  times in our lives when we experience circumstances that forever transform us . They challenge one to question their beliefs and values, and leave one wit...

Open Letter to MPS school board members

Dear MPS board members. I’m an MPS Parent to a 4th Grader at Howe with an IEP.  Genuine question: Is there a •need• for the district to have unilateral control over the decision to add minutes and days to this school year? It has felt like there is (once again) no room for collaboration or problem-solving together with families, with principals, or with educators.  It is my understanding that •only seniors• need the added minutes this year.  Kindergarteners in particular, only •need• 850 hours.  I’d like to see more creative problem solving and community input, especially after the districts •chosen• behavior these past three weeks involving stonewalling and abandonment of bargaining duties, FOR DAYS at a time, as well as union busting actions and attempts to wedge community support away from MFT and ESP. These behaviors are abusive in nature and result in diminished mental health in the form of anxiety, for those who are working to make sense of all of this and get...

Open Letter to the MN Department of Education and Governors Office

Dr. Heather Mueller, Dr. Stephanie Burrage and Eric Tauber, I'm writing today as a parent of Minneapolis Public Schools. Please strongly consider reversing the extra time (42 daily minutes and extension from 6/10/22 through 6/24/22) in the contract agreements with Minneapolis educators and educational support professionals. This agreement is not equitable for our family; my child who is in 4th grade and has an IEP is vulnerable to shift/changes affecting his ability to be a receptive learner, and is already struggling with the uprooting of the past three weeks.  For clarity, I wholeheartedly believe a three week strike was only necessary because MPS chose to spend several of those days and hours stalling, actively not meeting with the union bargaining teams to work things out. This added time feels like a punishment to the educators and families of Minneapolis Public Schools, given that a three week strike was necessary based on the districts choice to stonewall, and put ...

Perspective & Reflection

Three weeks ago, on day one of the •necessary strike• walk out of Minneapolis Public Educators & Educational Support Professionals (MFT/ESP) I learned how Malcolm’s school nurse (Nurse Angie) is on the MFT bargaining team. Today, she shared publicly this breakdown of time laid out by a fellow bargaining team member, of their total investment of time. I cannot begin to perceive the emotional, intellectual and spiritual labors, not to mention the emotional and physical •toll• these numbers represent. ‘Thank you’ feels like it will never be enough. Our public school community will be better because of these massive efforts (bargaining team and strike line, alike.) And, it is just the beginning. A message found me along the way through my years long personal mental health burnout/breakdown, and I feel it’s relevant here: ‘Discovery is not recovery.’ Our community is now made fully aware (in discovery) of the true state our public school system has been ‘existing’ (barely surviving) in....

Salt in Wounds

  After everything our MPS educators and support professionals MFT/ESP have been fighting for, I want to underscore that my words here come from a place of deep reverence for the labors of every striker out on the line these past three weeks, as well as every MFT/ESP bargaining team member. I need to acknowledge how your work these three weeks was FREE; you weren't paid. You risked your personal safety and lost planned income for your families. I salute you and love each and every one of you, so deeply for showing what was *necessary* in the working conditions of MPS to stand up for yourself, for your valued knowlege and experience, as well the children of Minneapolis Public schools. WE NEED YOU. WE LOVE YOU. THANK YOU ALL. While my expression comes from a place of *full support* for the *Safe and Stable* schools this tremendous union family has worked so hard to create for our kids, I learned something new this morning and it is a spiky pill to swallow. It feels like salt being p...

On MPS/MFT Tentative Agreement Reached

I want to be hopeful today and through the weekend, that the demands and needs of MPS educators and support professionals, what all they’ve fought to secure for our kids, are being met in this tentative agreement.  However, I feel we have a long game on our hands; If the union members do vote their hearts and minds, in agreement, to return to school on Monday, then it’s “settled.”  I feel this effort must continue, in that case shifting completely to us; as parent/community stakeholders, to continue this fight in a couple of ways. Letting our educators and support staff continue to do what it is they do best; nurture our children’s minds in their schools and classrooms. 1) MPS administration and school board are an embarrassment, and behaved shamefully these three weeks. I believe they have shown us they don’t care for our kids. I don’t know how to flip a school board, but I would love to find ways to engage our PTO or other parent groups to •back• new candidates for the board...